Starting your new school

The excitement of a new project

In our experience, nothing is more exciting than starting a new school and then constructing spaces in which great learning can happen. We have a team that can provide full support for a school start-up project, from conception to implementation and beyond.

We support you as you define the project and articulate the vision you have for the school. We will then prepare

  • The project feasibility study and financial plan
  • An educational design brief for the architect
  • A master plan for curriculum, staffing and recruiting
  • Options for school management, communication systems and website
  • A strategic Digital Marketing Plan

As the project is started and moves towards school opening, we will

  • Support in the appointment and orientation, first of your leadership team, and then of academic and support staff
  • Be available to support the school’s leaders as they take over full responsibility for the management of the new school
  • Monitor the first year of teaching and learning with the School Leadership Team
  • Prepare for the schools first inspection and accreditation

ITM masthead working draft.v2


Please e-mail us to inquire about our support for school start-ups. Just click the logo.



If you would like to be put in touch with any of the Consilium Education team, please e-mail Andy Homden.


Meet the team – click the picture!


Featured image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay